10 Reasons Why Your Dad Doesn’t Actually Want Your Father’s Day Gift


Planning to gift your dad flashy things like neckties, football tickets, world’s best dad mugs, or a bottle of his favourite alcohol this Father’s Day? Well, you might have to drop the idea of surprising him. Forget gift shop promotions. Go for a real present that he actually wants. After all, it’s his day; shouldn’t he get to celebrate on his terms?

A recent survey by Deal News shed light on the fact that catching up over a cup of coffee, talking on the phone, playing a video game together, or a hug is more valued by dads than any sort of material gift.

Instead of scouring different websites and inundating yourself with ads espousing the perfect Father’s Day gift, consider the things that represent the close bond in your relationship with him this year. Here are a few reasons why most dads would rather skip gifts on Father’s Day.

1. Because he doesn’t want you to burn your budget

No surprises here. An invite to an expensive restaurant or a 10-dollar greeting card from one of the hippest places in town is not what most dads want. They would prefer a handmade card or a cheap coffee date. They value shared time more than material possessions.

2. Because he is not fond of surprises

Men, in general, and fathers in particular, do not like surprises. They prefer to plan everything ahead of time so that they know exactly what is going to happen and when. Remember that they prefer to have control over the situation before you start planning a big surprise for Father’s Day. Think back to the times you’ve surprised dad with unpleasant moments; that fender bender, a failing grade on a report card, or an unpopular personal decision.

Give him control over the day, or at least inform him of your plans ahead of time!

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3. Because he values family time more

Research has shown that two-fifths of dads feel that spending quality time with their families on a holiday is worth far more than a wrapped gift, sporting event ticket, or new fashion accessory.

4. Because expensive gadgets are often of no use to him

Often, children present their fathers with expensive, trendy gadgets for Father’s Day.

While these gadgets may seem necessary to you at the time, your dad might think otherwise. Even though some gizmos can be useful, most usually end up at the back of some shelf or drawer.

Children should consider asking before buying electronics for their fathers. This way, you ensure that your purchase will be useful to dad, rather than just a waste of money.

5. Because he prefers to be acknowledged verbally

Today’s dads don’t want their kids to feel indebted to them. All the things they did to provide a good life for their family were due to the responsibility they feel they have as a father.

But that doesn’t mean fathers don’t want to hear about how their sacrifices impacted you personally. According to Eckhart Tolle, “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” This Father’s Day, your dad would love to hear your thoughts on how he impacted your life. Sharing a fond memory and creating new ones is what dad loves most.

6. Because a small thing like a phone call is enough to tell him you care

Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that a phone call can say it all. Could a phone call really replace an expensive gift? Well, in your dad’s universe, a meaningful phone call beats an expensive gift every time.

7. Because he is a true believer in practicality

Have you ever asked your dad: “What do you want for Father’s Day?”


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